First I want to explain definition of
logistics and also history of logistic. According to this case about Mongolian
logistics overview, and also what I will
explained with my learned knowledge and I will guess overview of logistic
system, especially I will take example
one of Mongolian biggest retail chain
company’s logistics process. Before get definition of Logistics? we need to mentioned what is the supply chain
management? “Supply Chain Management is the planning and management of all
activities involved in sourcing and procurement, conversion, and all Logistics
Management activities. So What is the Logistics? Which is part of the supply
chain process that plans, the process of
planning implementing
and controlling the efficient, cost effective flow and storage of raw
materials, in- process inventory, finished goods and related information from
point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to
customer requirements. The mission of logistics is to get the
right goods or services to the right place, at
right time, and in the desired condition and quantity in relation to
customers order.
Take a
example of about the history logistics: The ancient time first period international
logisticians were traders on the Silk Road, a well-traveled trade path, in use for over
3,000 years, act of spreading out from Europe to Asia and passing through the
Middle East. During this time The Mongol Empire
was a military superpower that had
outstanding logistical strategies. Each soldier would have three or four horses
and they brought all of staff such as
weapons, foods, equipments, home etc
wherever far a way they can to reach. Secret of changing hotline news is
they used horses for the transmission of news each other, land is too
wide and every few kilometer have to charge horses, also postman , who called
“ulaich”, meaning postman or spy , always
change the horses every few kilometers , it is was one kind of ancient type of logistics. Now
day is Modern logistics began to refer to not just the movement of goods but
also to sales, the procurement of supplies, and the management of supplier and
customer relationships. Also we will be future managers after university so we
need to know well about order processing, inventory, transportation,
warehousing, material handling and packaging also information flow, price,
sales all process is part of logistics.
Logistics services to be implemented between
each objects such as first input raw materials to production logistic
services implementing between , production to distribution also
logistics services implementing between , such as distribution to
consumers, consumers to disposal .
logistics infrastructure and resources
Influence to logistics services. Disposal, consumers , DC, production’s all
connecting each other via logistics information system. Logistics and
information flow is the stream of data in different directions with variable
contents between various departments within a company is defined as information
Now let’s move to Mongolian
logistics overview. Expansion of industry and commerce our country is
constrained by a lack of trade port and transport routes. Ulaanbaatar capital of Mongolia and living one
thousand people , in rural Mongolian population
two thousand density is less than one
person per square kilometer it mean
transportation distance is too far and cost is high. About
City of Ulaanbaatar, density is
high and last ten years rapidly increasing
traffic jam and price of petrol. Routes
of Trade in Mongolia about 3000 kilometers
of railway in the country, 4000 kilometers of paved roadway and only eight airports
outfitted to land jet powered aircrafts. Unfortunately haven’t seaport , landlocked country. Mongolia must rely on the Russian federation
and the People’s Republic of China for access to seaport. The majority of
Mongolian goods are boarded on the Trans-Mongolian railway connected to two
neighbor country is still mostly unreachable by modern transport like world level
of road and standards I guess. Last decade growing import and export traffic
has exceeded Mongolia’s logistic capacity, both physical and managerial,
causing severe delays and excessive transport costs that increase the cost of
products and services and inhibit economic development. Ulaanbaatar is the main trade and
transportation hub of Mongolia, it is terminals handling 95% of the nation’s
exports and imports.
Now i want to explain
actual example of Mongolian retail chain company’s logistics process via own
experience. The company name is “ My
stores ” currently operates 20 stores and , divided into 2 main formats:
supermarket and hypermarket. The stores of the Group are located all over the
capital city also In 2008 the company completed the DC of setting up 10.000
square meter. Modern retail practices
regards inventory management, order processing and fulfillment, transportation,
warehousing as interdependent functions in the supply chain. Before I mentioned modern logistics process the process of
planning implementing
and controlling the efficient cost effective flow and storage of raw materials,
in- process inventory, finished goods to
right goods or services to the right place, and in the desired condition and
quantity in relation to customers order and demand. According to about retail
chain company’s logistics service especially
about supermarkets logistics process. Let me get simple example let’s
think I am customer and I want buy new television so i bought television 1000$ from electronics chain
store. I didn’t recognize about what is kind of process going .. behind this
price. Let me explain whole of process ( related to logistics own thinking )
from order process until to sale and
bring to on the shop counter. First category managers have to research top demands products price to charge customers demands
from home country or abroad and after finished research process result than choose the products kind and price, sent
information to customs managers , who is
role refer continuous research of manufactory also suppliers , where is most
cheaper another issue and choose the manufactory. After customs managers deal and research to partner , which prefers process contract to supplier about price , quantity , contract, time of
production etc so after above process finished , who need to give an advance
payment to partners. All of the process depends from CEO’s decision. After
carriage-paid customs managers move to transportation process. Customs managers
prefer decide to transportation way, transport routes or
railway etc also decide piece of trucks ( also choose trucks length 13 meter
length or 11 meter, or quantity of
container ) these all depends goods kind and goods size. When customs managers
finished above process after who need pay duty then starting shipment such as from Russia and China to Mongolia
especially to Distributions center. My guess is railway cheaper than trucks in
Mongolia, railway can transmission large quantity. When transportation finished
came to the Mongolia. After DC receive the goods. Receive process refers many process. So starting account process of
prices with category manager and
accountants for account prices ( calculate cost, calculate value, add-value,
purchase price etc ). When finished above whole
process, move to next step to distribute goods from DC to stores. Usually cars
going to stores at night , because in night no traffic jam, also it’s
facilitate stores work.
Organizing whole process via Information system contains detailed
information about SKUs, contract with suppliers, purchasing price, etc. Also
ERP system provides information needed for various analysis such as sales
analysis of product categories over time, information technology advantage
is sharing of information, charge to a reduction in costs, lower prices to the
customer, also control the inventory and price etc information system is very important force
control for logistics system.
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